2021 Financial Services Job Seeker Trends
Every year, Jobvite surveys hundreds of U.S. workers for its annual Job Seeker Nation Report to better understand the realities of today’s job seekers. We reviewed responses from workers in the finance, insurance, and accounting industries, which we broadly refer to as the financial services industry throughout this resource.
This trends report shines a light on concerns, challenges, and priorities facing financial services workers as they navigate the job seeking process today.
Where do financial services job seekers go to get a sense of employer brand and culture?
Download the report to learn:
- How job seekers in the financial services industry are applying to jobs
- The number of financial services workers likely to share job openings and participate in referral programs
- Top influences for accepting or rejecting a financial services job offer
- Why an overwhelming majority of financial services workers consider their most recent candidate experience is mostly positive
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