
2021 Tech Job Seeker Trends

Every year, Jobvite surveys hundreds of U.S. workers for its annual Job Seeker Nation Report to better understand the realities of today’s job seekers. We reviewed responses from 212 workers in the tech industry.

This trends report highlights the unique concerns, challenges, and priorities facing tech industry workers as they navigate the job seeking process today.

How are you tapping into this talent pool?

Tech industry workers have overwhelmingly high results when it comes to employer expectations regarding communication, remote work, mental health, DE&I

Download the report to learn more about:

  • The ideal work set up for tech industry candidates (hint, it’s a very high percentage of remote work!)
  • How badly tech candidates want recruiters to text them
  • The greater need for mental health benefits and resources for tech workers (higher than any other industry)
  • The importance of company culture in the decision for tech workers to apply for a job (overwhelmingly high for the tech industry)

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