Apex Group Centralizes TA Operations and Data in Jobvite

Apex Group and Jobvite by Employ


  • Disjointed systems and manual processes
  • Decentralized data
  • Lack of visibility
  • Laborious and time-consuming efforts for redundant tasks


  • Single source of hiring truth
  • Centralized, accessible, and transparent data
  • Efficient and custom reporting functionality for recruiters, stakeholders, and leaders alike
  • Fostered improved internal mobility and referrals


  • Processed 62,000 applicants in H1 of 2023, hiring 2,417 (not all processed)
  • 30% time savings through single-click job board integration
  • 50% reduced time spent with reports


Lack of talent acquisition data centralization, accessibility, and oversight

Apex Group, a leading financial services solution provider for wealth and asset managers, understood its enterprise TA tech stack required a significant revamp. The business recognized it wasn’t sustainable for its recruiters to rely on spreadsheets and disconnected recruitment tools to execute their candidate relationship management strategy, analyze applicant funnel advancement efforts, and hire top talent in a repeatable, efficient way.

“We didn’t have our talent acquisition data in one place,” said Apex Group Global Talent Acquisition Projects and Programme Lead Teodora Rebic. “We had many manual processes and three separate recruiting-centric systems. Merging several different TA systems posed complications for both visibility and reporting purposes. As a result of that, we didn’t feel like one, congruent talent team.”

Issues with data management, loss of candidate information, and a lack of operational oversight for the talent team ultimately compounded into a larger-scale, persistent challenge for Apex Group: inefficient recruitment processes that contributed to administrative issues and slow hiring cycles.

Ultimately, Teodora explained that the absence of a “golden source of information” deterred scalable and repeatable recruitment processes for Apex Group, leading to a prominent need for a solution that unifies all TA data, updates dynamically, and is accessible to all hiring team members and stakeholders.


New ATS as single source of hiring truth to improve pipeline management

A few of the Talent Acquisition Team members had used Jobvite as their primary ATS at previous organizations. When the team started the search for a new recruiting platform to address the above issues, they knew Jobvite should be a contender during the evaluation process.

Following an extensive evaluation process between several leading TA software providers, Apex Group discovered that Jobvite was the missing link to rectify their pain points while also providing a scalable solution for future growth.

After onboarding Jobvite, the business is now able to store all recruiting info tied to standard applicant data, diversity sourcing, employee referrals, and everything in between in a single system that:

  • Is accessible to talent leaders, recruiters, and operations personnel as well as hiring manager
  • Offers rich, dynamically updated hiring dashboards that show real-time and historical insight
  • Eliminates the need to use a mishmash of TA tech to tackle critical recruiting and hiring tasks

With Jobvite acting as their single source of recruiting information, hiring team collaboration and task hand-offs are seamless for Apex Group. Now, if a TA team member needs support from a colleague, all data and details update in real-time in Jobvite, meaning no time is wasted finding info associated with hiring efforts.

“If colleagues are sick or on holiday, you can simply log into Jobvite and pick up where they left off,” said Apex Group Talent Acquisition Specialist Sue Powell. “Without that centralized recruiting solution, we would not have been able to access email and other communications with candidates that we needed to move forward with those opportunities on absent recruiters’ behalf. Jobvite makes it easier to ensure continuity of work among all team members,” Sue added.

It’s not just the recruiters and hiring managers who benefit from their new solution. Apex Group will also enable referral and internal mobility opportunities for their employees using Jobvite by providing better visibility into new positions and automating talent team notifications to put employees first.

“Promoting open roles in house and building our pipeline of candidates is of extreme importance. Jobvite will enable a smooth, streamlined application process for our internal pool of candidates,” said Sue.

Native analytics and funnel visibility simplify reporting and boost transparency

Aside from the newfound ability to have all recruiters work from a centralized system, Apex Group uses Jobvite to ensure greater transparency regarding open requisition progress with all core hiring stakeholders, including hiring managers.

“Having all information associated with current and previously engaged candidates in one place and being able to report on recruiting efforts has been amazing,” said Teodora. “Jobvite is a true single source of truth for our whole talent team and helps us easily track performance over time. Connecting with hiring managers right in the system to show our pipeline efforts is invaluable.”

Building reports for leadership used to be a laborious task for Apex Group’s talent acquisition team. Now, Jobvite enables each recruiter at the company to utilize reports that not only inform executives and other hiring decision-makers, but also saves TA specialists time with data collection and curation.

Specifically, Apex Group’s recruiters can now make data-driven strides with its diversity recruiting.

“With Jobvite, we’ve started optimizing job ads and keeping track of various gender metrics in order to reduce discrepancies in terms of talent added to our candidate pipeline,” said Sue. “In terms of achieving our hiring goals, we’ve been able to identify targets with the ATS and can now start tracking progress related to those objectives, ensuring we meet our diversity hiring targets.”


More structured and scalable TA processes put in place to achieve hiring KPIs

Jobvite has made a sizeable impact on both Apex’s day-to-day activities and their long-term strategy. Following implementation at the start of 2023, the business was able to process 62,000 applicants, hiring 2,417 of those individuals in just the first half of the year.

“If we didn’t invest in Jobvite, we wouldn’t be able to streamline a lot of our hiring processes, particularly those around internal mobility and building talent pools and networks,” said Teodora.

Before onboarding Jobvite, Apex Group’s recruiters primarily communicated with hiring managers via email to share updates with their open requisitions. Now, the talent acquisition specialists can notify req owners directly via Jobvite whenever candidates enter and are advanced in their pipeline. This also proactively keeps hiring managers appraised of all recruiting cycle activities, including upcoming interviews.

“Just getting into the habit of communicating with both hiring managers and engaged candidates through Jobvite has led to more efficient recruitment processes,” said Sue.

Time- and labor-intensive recruiting tasks streamlined and sped up with ATS

Scaling headcount growth at its desired rate — and with greater ease and efficiency — wasn’t the only positive ROI Apex Group realized after onboarding Jobvite. The business also accelerated and strengthened its reporting efforts. Arguably the biggest benefit Apex Group has realized with Jobvite is the sheer number of person hours saved weekly on formerly arduous and lengthy tasks.

Per Teodora and Sue, the Apex TA team has reduced the amount of time it takes to craft reports by 50%. These additional hours added back to recruiters’ and administrators’ schedules has allowed them to focus on other areas of growth: from building and maintaining relationships with candidates of interest, to analyzing and optimizing stages in their full-cycle recruiting approach.

Additionally, handling candidate data deletion requests and ensuring compliance with consumer regulations has been streamlined substantially since investing in Jobvite. Jobvite alerts recruiters and operations managers when job seekers submit formal requests to have their personal data removed from the system. Similarly, Apex Group can now configure settings to ensure each hiring stakeholder has the appropriate level of data access.

Sue added “ATS allows hiring managers to review all job applicant details at once within the system and stay compliant with relevant regulations including GDPR. Overall, we can now better manage each candidate’s personal information and provide internal team members with the ability to amend prospect details with the click of a button if required.”

One of Apex’s favorite Jobvite features is the ability to rapidly publish postings to job boards — all of which seamlessly sync with Jobvite through direct integrations. This is a primary source for applicants.

“Posting new job openings universally takes just one click. It removes all manual work from our recruitment marketing efforts. This process alone decreases our overall job posting time by 30%,” explained Teodora.

Customizing their career site with Apex’s employer branding visuals and messaging and using our out-of-the-box nurture templates to build and carry out personalized campaigns to candidates of interest have also areas the company plans to address with our enterprise hiring platform.

Moving forward, Apex Group intends to take advantage of other core Jobvite capabilities, including our robust talent analytics and candidate engagement functionality, to further enhance its recruiting.

“With Jobvite, we’ll be able to streamline a lot of our processes, particularly around internal mobility and building talent pools and networks, using Talemetry,” said Teodora. “And using Intelligent Messaging in some locations will also lead to much easier communication with candidates.”